Wednesday, July 30, 2008

_♥THe TriAls I'Ve BEen ThroUgh♥_

There was A pOint In my Life wHich I can't Say if it is a Good Or BAd One. There was a time that I felt so alOne. Some people hates me For being so frank and don't take things seriously. They say Im too insensitive and I have a Coldheart.

THey just judge for what they see. They don't even try to know me better. I try to reached them and let them know the real me, but it seems they are not interested so I decided to ignore them, though I know they back-fight on me. But I just keep on ignoring them, I just said to my self that "If they will like me soMedaY okay, But If they DOnt Let iT be". I've Been like this for so long, But I never give up and Despite of being alone, I never stop believing myself, and I take it as a challege, I learned a lot of things because of this bUt I don't want to it to be happened again...

I love my Self aNd I like The waY I aCt, maYbe their aRe people whO hates ME right Now, But One thing iS foR suRe their aRe lot of People Loves me for being me...
ANd I do believe that cHanging You're self because of others wasn't be a gooD Idea...

Monday, July 28, 2008

_♥ONe SAd GoodBye♥_

I sTill REmember the day you left away
It was under the poUring rain
You Promised me that you'll stay
But stiLl you gO awAy
I was starVing fOR help
I tried to hold you;
But you LEft me cRying
Baby you Go away
I Took a Lot Of timE to Forget you
And Now You're back
You want to enter my life aGain
Try to FIxed everything
Now Baby Tell me,
TEached me
and sHow me
How to Forget that One sad Goodbye?

_♥A wroNg friEnd♥_

I live as an ordinary person
Wishing fOr a REal FrienD;
Then She CAme aLOng
She Makes ME fEel SpeCial

We laUgh anD cRy toGeTHer
We Cared for Each Other anD REspect tOo
We Treasure the Moments We sHAred
I never expect that We wiLl saY goOdbYE to One Another

I was there in HEr Good aND Bad TIMes
In her FailuRe anD sUccess
I was The One Who AlwaYs ComforT HEr
I Lift Her Up When She's Down

I always lean on her when my TEars start to FalL
She always encourage me
She makes ME sMile wHEn Im saD
She Gives me strenght When im weAk

Time PassEd By and We Never sEe eaCh oTHer
I was Shock When I MEt her
I smiled at her
saDly she never smiled at me back

I was confused
I texted her
and she replied
Who You?

I feel so sad
But still I replied her Back
INtroducing myself
Believing that sHE will Recognized me

But I assume wrong
She never knew me
THe person I used to Call Bestfriend was wRong
But I wish her the BEst aFter aLl...